Worship God in Dance - Lucinda Coleman (article) - Printable Version

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Worship God in Dance - Lucinda Coleman (article) - HelenaZF - 09-19-2006

For any interested in a fairly succint following of the trail of worship dance through church history.

Worship God in Dance - Lucinda Coleman

In the Hebrew tradition, dance functioned as a medium of prayer and praise, as an expression of joy and reverence, and as a mediator between God and humanity (Taylor 1976:81). This understanding of dance permeated the faith of the early Christian church. During the Middle Ages despite increasing proscriptions against the use of dance, it continued to be utilised as a medium of prayer and praise. However, by the time of the Reformation the church, both Catholic and Protestant, had eliminated dance from worship.......<URL url="http://www.pastornet.net.au/renewal/journal6/coleman.html">more.....